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16-19 Tuition Statement

What is the 16-19 tuition fund?

The funding is being used to provide small group tuition for 16–19-year-olds where their learning has been disrupted and they have a GCSE Maths and/or English grade of Grade 4 or below. Although targeted students are identified based on their prior attainment in English and Maths, the funding can be used to support students in their learning across a variety of subjects.

How will the funding be used?

The funding will be used to provide additional support to small groups of students that have not yet achieved a grade 4/5 in Mathematics or English. Within this cohort targeted student intervention will be initially be focused on students that are yet to achieve a grade 4 in English and/or Maths. Surplus funds may be then be used to target students that are yet to achieve their grade 5 in Maths and/or English.

Archway Sixth Form will receive £2,941 in funding. This will be used as follows:

  • To run additional small group classes, up to a maximum size of five, where necessary.
  • To purchase bespoke resources to support learning in these smaller classes where appropriate.

Archway School is committed to ensuring the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance by:

  • Producing this statement explaining how we will use the funding in line with guidance to prioritise support for disadvantaged students.
  • Publishing this statement on our website.
  • Recording the use of the funding, including reference to the individual students that receive the support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered, and retaining the necessary evidence of the tuition provided.
  • Notifying Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of any unspent funding from this fund in order for it to be reclaimed.