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Curriculum Intent

At Archway School the curriculum is broad and balanced and is designed to provide opportunities for every student to make maximum progress in all subject areas and at a level that is accessible yet challenging.

Our aim is that our curriculum should encourage every child to aspire, to achieve and to enjoy their education at Archway School and leave us with the qualifications, skills, knowledge, experiences and character to lead a rewarding life that includes positive relationships, resilience and success.  To achieve this, we will support the students to develop the skills that will enable them to be successful learners, confident individuals and active members of society who become positive role models of the future.  We encourage all students to be confident, independent and aspirational learners.  We also strive to develop high levels of literacy and numeracy skills that are transferrable across all subject areas.

The curriculum also enables the school to achieve the best possible headline and wider performance measures without compromising the needs of any student.

The curriculum is organised into a two-week timetable.  Students have 50 lessons per fortnight in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11).  The Sixth Form are also timetabled over 50 periods but some of these lessons are supervised independent study periods.

Curriculum intent documents