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Careers Plan and Calendar

Careers Plan for 2021/2022


Archway currently has a high number of students continuing into Education, employment, and Training (EET). 97% continued into EET from KS4 (2020 cohort), 95% continue into EET at post 18 level (2020 cohort). The target for the school is to have 100% in EET and the careers plan will look to support this target.

1.A stable career programme.

We have an embedded programme that has been developed over several years.

All stakeholders know of this programme and can access information via website.

We work closely with gFirst LEP and with employers in the area.

Target for 2021/2022

Explore & embed careers talks into curriculum lessons.

Evaluate impact of career programme, using surveys.

2.Learning from career and labour market information

This occurs on the employer events we run such as the entrepreneur’s day where local businesspeople come in and mentor students through a design project.

Students undertake work experience and gain first-hand knowledge

Target for 2021/2022

Include labour market information into 1:1 career conversation

Encourage external speakers to refer to labour market.

Increase use of LMI for all by teachers in lessons.

3.Addressing the needs of each pupil

CIAEG available at significant time such as Y12 for post 18 choices and Y11 for post 16 options.

We work closely with SGS to identify students who may need additional support in transitions and arrange accompanied visits. We ensure students aspirations are challenged regardless of such things as gender/ ethnicity or PP

Target for 2021/2022

Identify NEETs and other groups using POLAR 4 to hit school target of 100% in EET.

 120 1:1 career conversation to be held this year by external advisors.

Increase number of group career conversations by internal Careers Advisor.

4.Linking curriculum learning to careers

We need to improve for Gatsby benchmark 4.  LRY and DSA will be working on how careers are currently being addressed in curriculum and how to improve. We are looking at embedding careers lessons in SPACE lessons. LRY is building contacts with various outreach teams from universities to the police and engineering firms to deliver talks / workshops on careers and further education.

Target for 2021/2022

All curriculum plans for every department have a career/real life link. These will be developed, and a careers curriculum plan will be created.

SPACE lessons to have more careers information and external business input.

5.Encounters with employers and employees

We run an Ask the Professional event where local and national institutions attend. Students can talk to employees/HE/FE and ask questions.

We hold mock interviews where students are interviewed by a prospective employer. These employers give advice on what requirements are need for a role and give written feedback to students on their performance. With changes in timetable and the loss of assembly time we are developing links so that employers will be able to deliver talks in SPACE lessons.

Target for 2021/2022

Improve year 7’s encounters with employers and employees.

Careers Fair

6.Experiences of workplaces

Y10 and Y12 students undertake a week’s work placement in July and February.

Last year due to the Covid 19 pandemic work experience was cancelled.

Target for 2021/2022

This academic year we are looking at face to face work experience

Careers Fair

7.Encounters with further and higher education

We run visits to universities e.g., Bristol University science department & University of Gloucester study skills days. We participate in the University of Gloucester summer school for Y10.

Target for 2021/2022

Increase coverage (number of students that have access to these opportunities) of higher and further education opportunities

Careers Fair

8.Personal guidance

All advisers both external and internal are qualified (OCR Level 6 diploma in Careers Guidance). Appointments can be requested but are also scheduled at significant times when choices are being made.

Target for 2021/2022

Identify NEETs and other groups using POLAR 4 to hit school target of 100% in EET.

Implement careers report for students so they have record of the career opportunities they have had at Archway.

Careers Calendar 21-22.PDF