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Pupil Premium and Catch-Up Funding

The Pupil Premium is allocated to a school, in addition to the main school funding, to help support children from low income families.

Eligibility for the Pupil Premium is based on the students who are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible during the last six years. The primary aim of this money is to support the achievement, and address the attainment gap, between children eligible for free school meals and their peers.

The funding is fully utilised to help address the challenges and barriers that our students face ranging from academic support, specifically targeting literacy and numeracy, along with pastoral support to help address behaviour and attendance.

It is at the school’s discretion in terms of how the money is spent. Archway School has a robust system in place to enable appropriate intervention and support for its young people.

Previous Pupil Premium Progress



2020 -0.44*







Review of progress takes place after each data cut. The current strategy is continually reviewed however an annual review and new strategy takes place July 2021 and is confirmed September 2021 when the data and the new cohorts barriers have been assessed and the actual examination results are known.

We are asking all our parents to apply for Free School Meals if they think they might be eligible. If you apply and are successful your child does not have to have a school dinner if they’d rather not. However, it will mean that more money comes into school from which your child and other children will benefit.

If you think you might be eligible please apply here:

If you require further information regarding Pupil Premium please contact Mr Dominic Salmon, Deputy Headteacher.

Holiday Free School Meal Voucher Scheme

This February half term, Gloucestershire County Council is providing vouchers to parents who have signed up to our Holiday Free School Meals (FSM) scheme. These vouchers are provided by Gloucestershire County Council as part of its commitment to 'no child goes hungry'. The vouchers are funded through COVID-19 grant funding we have received and is separate to that of the term time free school meals.

Parents who have signed up to the scheme will receive a voucher for £15 for each child who is eligible for FSM which will cover the February half term week. The scheme is eligible for children aged 4-16 years old. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider college and sixth form students.

Parents who have signed up previously do not need to re-register, they have already been included, but, to ensure we get all who are eligible, we are encouraging new parents to sign up as soon as they can.

Applications for Holiday Free School Meal Vouchers for the February half term period is now open until the 14th February. Voucher emails will be sent out between 15th and 16th of February.  Please encourage parents to also check their junk/spam email folders during this period as sometimes the vouchers end up there. If parents have not received their vouchers by then please encourage them to get in contact with us by emailing

For more information and to sign up if you haven't already please visit our website: the Holiday School Meal vouchers page on

Pupil Premium Statement