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Office 365

Office 365 Staff Email


Staff Cover Request Form

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Login issues?

If you have a personal Outlook/Hotmail/Live account:

When logging in to Edulink, SatchelOne or Office 365 from a home device, open a Guest/InPrivate/Incognito window (Name varies depending on which web browser/device you're using) and access the respective resource from there. On a laptop or desktop, you can find the option in the top right (3 dots). On a phone or tablet you should be presented with the option when opening a new tab.

Working from home

Working from home help guide

Remote Access

Remote Desktop (including SIMS)


File and Folder Access

Meeting Room Bookings:

Install the following app on your device to book meeting rooms, select the link applicable to your device.

Sign In App - Web Portal

Android - Sign In App

Apple - Sign In App

Request your app code from IT services or Reception. This app can also be used to sign in and out during the school holidays.